Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
This weekend think about the act of decluttering. What is it that no longer serves you that you are holding on to?
Start with physical objects. Perhaps that pile of papers on your desk, the junk drawer in your kitchen, your bathroom cabinet.
Then move on to psychological decluttering. Is there a story you tell yourself that doesn't really fit anymore? Practices that no longer serve you? Habits you need to drop?
Lastly, look at your to-do list. Is there on item on that list that reappears wekk after week? That one thing you promise yourself you will get to but never seem to? THIS IS YOUR WEEKEND - get it done, cross it off and move on!
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Massage anyone?
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
How about some massage? A great way to soothe muscles and move lymph and blood.
A professional massage is always a luxurious and great idea, but grab a buddy and exchange some body work.
Alternatively, I am a big fan of percussive therapy with a massage gun ( https://amzn.to/38sVRfM ) with different attachments and varying speeds can really get into those tight areas.
Also, consider a foam roller like this one https://amzn.to/2sKnlyd can help to move our blood and lymph and especially good to move lactic acid out of the muscles after a hard workout.
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Get Uncomfortable
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
The problem with change is - well, it's uncomfortable.
But if we continue to do what we have always done, we will continue to get what we've gotten. And if what you've got isn't working for you it's time for some change.
It doesn't have to be change on a grandiose scale, not by any means. In fact, I'm a big fan of simple changes and better choices all the time. Micro changes add up to be a big deal for you and your wellness.
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Remember: Your Health = YOUR responsibility
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Just a gentle reminder - your health is 100% your responsibility.
What you eat, how you move, what you think - that's all on you. Only WE know what it feels like to live in THIS body.
That also means do your own research, read the articles, read books, search reliable sources, ask your Doctor. Question everything.
Ask questions, then make better decisions.
In order to be empowered we have to be educated.
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Mindful Eating
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
If any part of your wellness goals include a better diet listen up.
Mindful eating is the new dieting.
A few tips:
1. Every night take 5 minutes to plan your meals for the next day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and perhaps a snack. Plan to take your reusable water bottle. Even plan some movement into your day.
For more structure around eating I love the book Bright Line Eating http://bit.ly/GuudEating
2. Try to plan your food intake based on your activity level for the next day. Heavy Training tomorrow? You will need more calories today to fuel that workout.
3. Can you cut out anything in bags and boxes? Reach onto the fridge instead.
4. Don't eat mindlessly at your desk midday. Make time for yourself. Be aware and make healthy choices. If you have a post-lunch slump take a look at what you are eating and HOW you are eating at lunch. Make some changes!
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Check your toothbrush and your trainers.
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Super easy steps you can take that can make a difference in your wellness:
1. Check your toothbrush. If you don't know the last time you changed your toothbrush - it's time! Every 3 months we should change our toothbrush. If your bristles are frayed you are overdue. Remember, oral health is tied to both heart and gut health and our gut is responsible for making neurotransmitters which kep us sane, sated and focused. It's all one system...we need to take care of every little part.
2. Check your trainers. Put them on a counter and look at the heels at eye level. How is the tread? Uneven? This can cause both knee and hip problems. It might be time for a new pair. Sneakers are an investment from a comfort/fit perspective. Choose wisely.
Making simples changes in your day, like the 2 above, can really add up to quantum wellness.
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Simple Changes: Better, Safer Beauty Products
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Avoid deodorants with ALUMINUM.
Avoid toothpaste with FLOURIDE (also avoid SLS, which is also in shampoos)
Avoid PARABENS which are very common and are hormone disruptors.
Avoid TRICLOSAN in soaps, we don't need to be using antibacterial soaps.
Listen in today for more and check out www.ewg.org and their phone app called "Healthy Living" https://www.ewg.org/apps/
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Halfway Point - Journal Check in
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Listen in today as it's your January half way point!
Hopefully you have made a few simple choices and lots of better choices and have been writing down your experiences. (If not you can start today!!)
Whether you are writing thoughts on gratitude, keeping a food journal, writing down workouts or just journalling your general thoughts it will be important as we look back on this month.
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Simple Changes: NonToxic Cleaning Products
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Today, a simple step you can take along this wellness journey is to check your cleaning products - are they toxic?
First off - scan your labels; anything that reads "hazardous to humans and domestic animals" is toxic and should be disposed of.
The average household contains an average of 62 toxic chemicals from the phthalates in synthetic fragrances to the noxious fumes in oven cleaners. Ingredients in common household products have been linked to asthma, cancer, reproductive disorders, hormone disruption and neurotoxicity.
Triclosan is an antibacterial in soaps causes cancer and is ruining our environment
Phthalates - endocrine disruptors
Perchloroethylene or PERC found in carpet cleaners and spot solutions is neurotoxic (KILLS BRAIN CELLS)
Ammonia is an irritant and can cause lung issues. Substitute with vodka.
Chlorine can also cause lung issues and irritate skin. Use baking soda instead.
Love this website for lots of do it yourself ideas!! https://diyjoy.com/homemade-cleaners-recipes/
Monday Jan 13, 2020
How about a little heat therapy?
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
How about trying some heat therapy this week? The goal is detox, relaxation, better sleep, and an immune system rev.
Hot water bottles and heating pads are good for local healing but for full body effects I prefer an infrared sauna or hot epsom salt bath. A bath is great because we all tend to run low on Magnesium and this is a great way to absorb some.
If you weigh 150 lbs and spend 30 minutes in a sauna you can expect to burn approximately 300 calories. That's pretty spectacular for just sitting there! I own a Sunlighten Sauna ( www.sunlighten.com ) which I love but I had a portable sauna for a few year which also works great and is easy to fold up and store if you have tight quarters. I've listed that on my Amazon idea list which you can find here: http://bit.ly/GuudDetox
Follow me on Instagram, today I'll show you my sauna! www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Dig on some digital detox this weekend!!!
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
This weekend I'm making some time for digital detox...a fancy name for some planned time away from screens.
You can simply leave your phone at home during a planned outing, set your phone setting "screen time" settings for particular apps (Hello Social Media!)
It's so good for your relationships, for your brain and really...for your soul.
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Are you moving?
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Howdy - Hope this month you are killing it!!!
Visit me today at www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
Did you goals this month include more movement? Check in today on that.
Walk, run, dance, swim, play, bounce....make YOUR BODY a priority.
If you can't make it out of the house check out www.melissawoodhealth.com who offers great workouts online in all shapes and forms.
Make a plan, with an accountability partner and get it done.
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
More Meatless Meals!
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Working thru the week on some simple changes and better choices every single day.
Today consider making some of your meals meatless.
Love this cookbook and it is on our idea list over on Amazon here: http://bit.ly/GuudDetox
Come visit me cause I am doing Instagram stories all month here: www.instagram.com/theguudcompany and I'm in the tropics this week.
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Eat your greens!
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Working on your diet this month? Eat more greens!
Easy ways to do this: green juice or smoothie for breakfast. Cucumber, celery, lemon is my favorite. You can add apple if you need it sweeter or ginger if you need a little warmth.
Salads for lunch whenever possible.
For dinner, this month I am looking to order an extra side of vegetables. A small salad to start, an appetizer of shishito peppers, or a side of roasted brussels sprouts are my go-to choices.
Need to supplement?
2 choices I have are Amazing Grass Superfoods powder you can add to OJ or a smoothie. Also, Vibrant Health makes a capsule called Green Vibrance that is LOADED with great stuff when you are in a pinch for eating well.
Both of those are on the Amazon Idea list here: http://bit.ly/GuudDetox
I'm doing instagram stories this month - come see what I am working on today here: www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
How is your sleep?
If you have broken sleep meaning you are waking in the middle of the night and have a hard time falling back to sleep you might consider using the Calm app. The full app is $48.99 for the first year or $14.99 a month (which is .13 a day) has all kinds of great features but my favorite is the bedtime stories.
If you can't pay for an app I also recommend the podcast "Sleep With Me". It's free and daily and Scooter's droning voice will lull you to sleep any night. https://www.sleepwithmepodcast.com/
Also consider your sleep hygiene and habits. Washing and brushing, putting on pajamas, a cold dark bedroom. Perhaps a hot bath before bed which will slightly raise your body temperature and make you feel cozy.
Better sleep this month!
Hey, come over to Instagram. I'm in the tropics this week sharing my little wellness retreat with you! www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Make weekend plans now!
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Listen in today as I talk about navigating your first weekend of the year by planning out as much as possible and having an accountability partner.
Plan meals, movement and throw in some mindfulness.
PS. I am over on Instagram all month doing IG stories of my January reset. Come join me? www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
What's your mantra?
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
A mantra can help you re-focus and stay on track.
Write it in your journal, write it on post-it notes an leave where you will see it; computer monitor, bathroom mirror, refridgerator.
Mine is "Simple Changes Better Choices"/
Popular one word mantras are "Breathe", "Gratitude", and "Lightness"
These can be repeated either out loud or silently to oneself almost any time and anywhere.
Do you have a mantra? If so, practice with it. If not, get to journaling and write down a few that feel right. Try them out today.
Don't forget - if you need resources you can check out the Amazon idea list: http://bit.ly/GuudDetox
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Start here
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
No matter what your goals for this month - let's start and stay hydrated.
Find yourself a reusable water bottle and carry it everywhere.
Shoot for between 60-80 ounces of filtered water each day.
Remember, I have created an Amazon Idea list with all the detox products I like here: http://bit.ly/GuudDetox
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Whip out the journal
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Last chances to write down hopes for a bright start in 2020.
Listen in for why you can always begin again.
The stuff I love for January is over on Amazon for your convenience (I don't get paid!) http://bit.ly/GuudDetox
Happy New Year's Eve.
Catch you back here tomorrow.