Monday Mar 23, 2020
Check your mindset - We get to do this
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
I don't talk about my illness much, I have chronic Lyme Disease. I first got sick almost 10 years ago. I'm in remission currently and working hard to stay there.
When I was sick there were weeks on end when I didn't leave the house. More events and celebrations cancelled than I can ever remember.
I spent most of my time sleeping, or watching netflix. I was too sick to read a book and some days too weary to shower. Groceries were delivered and dinners slapped together. I remember thinking how very many hours there were in the day. I wished so much to feel well and be able to fill those days with things I loved. Guess what?
My wish came true. I am feeling stronger than ever. My family is healthy. And I have all the time in the world to enjoy my health and home.
Stay home friends. Do what you can to make this experience full. Take care of something - a human, an animal, a plant. Nourish yourself.
Most of all - stay present.
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Everything is amplified
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Today's cliff notes:
We need to be responsible for the energy we are bringing to this situation and the way we are handling ourselves and our interactions with others.
Why self-care is more important that ever and we have the time.
Start somewhere: 5 minutes of exercise, better diet, breathing exercises.
Resources: www.onepeloton.com for a free 90 day class pass. www.calm.com and www.headspace.com for mindfulness, sleep stories, how to meditate.
Join me on instagram for a look inside www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
Lastly, if listening is helping you please share me with a friend!!! xo - Melissa
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
We all need to find our rhythm
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
We need to approach this lifestyle change with patience and an open heart. We need to realize that things are fluid and we need to take it one day at a time.
Rest when you are tired, for this is the long haul.
At a time when it's impossible to make far reaching plans we can simply plan for each day as it comes; as things shift.
Today I talk about finding your rhythm and realizing it might change from one day to the next. Best to make a plan each morning for yourself and those in your household. Stay productive, share a laugh and get some exercise.
Come join me on instagram at www.instagram.com/theguudcompany I'll be on stories all day today.
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Join me on Instagram and why Social Media is more important than ever.
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Connect with me on instagram www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
It's the only way we have to connect in times like these.
Give a listen to thepodcast interview I did where I talk about why I do what I do.... http://bit.ly/MelissaBIO
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Stay connected, choose healthy and get organized.
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Hey there - it's raining here in New Jersey this morning. Kind of curtails some outside plans but I'm nothing if not flexible and this reminds me that I am not great with hard schedules. So for today here is the plan:
1. Blueberry Banana Muffins...homemade, from scratch.
2. Will clean out the junk drawer which is FULL of junk. This will feel very rewarding. I keep thinking my house is going to be amazing at the end of this pandemic.
3. I am going to reach out and call a friend I haven't spoken to in awhile. I've got the time!
4. The boys and I will do 1 hour of reading. They might break it up in to 2 x30 minute periods. They also have e-learning through their public school which I am super grateful for.
Check out www.yummly.com for great recipe ideas. The app is FREE and you can save recipes you like.
Lastly -- come join me on Instagram. I haven't really done much stories but I feel like now is the time to connect with you all. I am at www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
Monday Mar 16, 2020
How I am coping - let's connect!
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Hi All, strange times we are in.
Let's stay connected. I am over on instagram @theguudcompany (www.instagram.com/theguudcompany) Look at the instagram stories - I'll be there sharing with you.
I will share with you ways to stay present and not project into the future which is filled with doubt and uncertainty. I'll show you what I am cooking, activities I am doing, exercises you can do to stay fit.
I want to take this day by day. I have plenty of food and my kids and husband are home. We have committed to self quarantine with no outside contact except for food/medicine.
Join me!!
xo- Melissa
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Precautions and preparedness not panic over the Corona Virus
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Hi Friends, it's very easy to become panicked over the current Corona Virus Pandemic but it isn't going to help you (and can in fact, hurt you).
Here is my advice for reducing anxiety:
1. start each day with an affirmation like, "I am well, I am safe". Say it outloud. Say it while looking at yourself in the mirror. Try to feel those words and believe in them. Take a deep breath or two. You can repeat this throughout the day if you are feeling panicky.
2. stop watching the news 24/7 Especially if you are quarantined or working from home. Nothing good will come of that and your adrenals will be working overtime.
3. stay home. what is so important that you need to risk your health. If you need supplies please go today. Schools are closing and public events are being cancelled left and right. We are going to talk soon about ways to keep yourself occupied when faced with many days at home.
4. download the calm app on your phone and start meditating. Just a few minutes can make you shift from panic to calm, lower your blood pressure and bring relief. It's like a few minute vacation from the craziness. I'm telling you...try it. If you like it buy the paid version which is 100 times better.
Sending you all love and light. Stay well.
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
High Dose Vitamin D3 and Corona Virus
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
WARNING: Too much Vitamin D can be toxic. This is a protocol shared to me by my doctor. I am simply sharing my strategies. I urge you to consult with your doctor about your health.
I picked up this supplement (also available on amazon here: http://bit.ly/HiDoseD3 ) at my doctor's office yesterday. It is a 50,000 IU Vitamin D3 supplement.
I was told at the first sign of virus to take one a day for 3 days. To make sure I wasn't getting any other D (like from a multivitamin)
Then I did some research on PubMed.gov as well as websites of some of my favorite natural healers and liked what I saw.
A few weeks ago when my son had the flu we let him ride out the fever, gave him lots of cough drops, 3 doses a day of Oscillococcinum (the homeopathic remedy for flu) and gave him 25,000 IU of Vitamin D3 each day for 4 days and he sailed right through the virus.
I'm thinking it might be a good idea to keep some on hand.
All the products we use are on the Wellness Warrior Checklist on Amazon too : http://bit.ly/WellnessWarriorChecklist
UPDARED: Forgot the link to the journal article: http://bit.ly/HiDoseD
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
N-Acetylcysteine & Corona Virus
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Great studies on N-Acetylcysteine for use in bronchial issues and Flu.
It is the precursor to the master antioxidant glutathione so always good to have onboard. Used medically to thin mucus. Lowers the chance of getting the flu.
For more info here are two articles I read (you can share with your medical provider if you want advice on how to best take this...)
Monday Mar 09, 2020
The beauty of a jigsaw puzzle
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
The one where I disclose my dorky passion for jigsaw puzzles.
With Corona Virus looming I recommend you get yourself a few: http://bit.ly/GuudJPuzzles
Great for the whole family, great for short-term memory and very meditative.
Come see my works on Insta: www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Oof I pulled a hamstring...now what?
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Hey All, yesterday I pulled a hamstring so I thought I would share my approach to healing this injury.
First was stretching and foam rolling after 600 mg of ibuprofen and followed by icing 20 minutes every hour which helped ease the pain.
Today I am using Arnica Cream http://bit.ly/GuudArnica , ibuprofen, icing, the infrared sauna to sooth my body which is all over sore from adjusting to this injury and I am seeing my acupuncturist this afternoon.
Tomorrow I will add in some cryotherapy either locally on the leg or the full body 3 minute experience.
How do you approach sports injury?
Come see my acupuncture on Instagram later today www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Putting on some muscle
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Today's take aways:
- Muscle is lost far more easily and quicker than it’s built, so finding ways to continuously promote and maintain your muscle mass is really crucial, especially as you get older. Anytime you’re sick or hospitalized, having reserve muscle mass will also improve your chances of survival
- Research shows elderly subjects can add 2.9 pounds of muscle in six months by strength training and taking a twice-daily protein supplement (15 grams per serving for a total of 30 grams per day)
- However, even healthy young subjects in their 20s can lose 3.1 pounds of muscle mass in a single week of bedrest. You can lose 2.5% of your total muscle mass in the first two weeks of bedrest. By day 23, you can have lost up to 10% of your quadriceps’ muscle mass
- You break down and rebuild 1% to 2% of your muscle mass each day, so you completely rebuild yourself every two to three months. Dietary protein is an essential component to build and maintain muscle mass, and older individuals have higher protein requirements than younger people
- Exercising before you eat boosts your muscles’ sensitivity to protein signals, allowing you to optimize muscle building. That's why I always try to exercise in a fasted state...not to mention your body has no choice but to burn fat!
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Why Zinc is important for immunity & Corona Virus
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Zinc isn't something I have talked much about but as I listen to the doctors that I respect talk about Coronavirus they all include Zinc in their protocols.
Zinc is a type of metal and an essential trace element. It’s present within all bodily tissue and needed for healthy cell division. It acts like an antioxidant within the body, fighting free-radical damage and slowing the aging process.
Without enough zinc present in your diet, it’s possible to experience negative reactions like frequently getting sick, feeling like you’re always tired and run down, and experiencing poor concentration, stunted growth and the inability to heal wounds.
Research shows that zinc can interfere with the molecular process that causes mucus and bacteria to build within the nasal passages. Ionic zinc, based on its electrical charge, has the ability to exert an antiviral effect by attaching to receptors in nasal epithelial cells and blocking their effects.
USDA Dose Schedule is as follows:
- 1–3 years: 3 milligrams/day
- 4–8 years: 5 milligrams/day
- 9 –13 years: 8 milligrams/day
Adolescents and adults:
- Males age 14 and over: 11 milligrams/day
- Females age 14 to 18 years: 9 milligrams/day
- Females age 19 and over: 8 milligrams/day
I would take that up a notch in times of pandemic or outbreak. The product on our Wellness Warrior list here: http://bit.ly/GuudZinc has 30 mg. That should do it.
Stay healthy folks!!
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Should I be wearing a facemask in public because of Coronavirus?
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Lots of questions about wearing a mask to protect yourself from Coronavirus.
It was even covered on the Today Show which I put up on my Instastory today www.instagram.com/theguudcompany
The answer is a resounding NO.
However, handwashing is #1 and its a good idea to buy some hand sanitizer for when you are in a pinch. BUT make sure it's not toxic/filled with alcohol.
One that we like by the company EVERYONE is here at Walmart for only $1.99 http://bit.ly/GuudSanitizer
And remember: get plenty of sleep, Vitamin D levels need to be up so supplement, eat a healthy diet and keep yourself well.
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Corona Virus Update
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Just my 2 cents on the Corona Virus. I've consulted with an herbalist, a homeopath and a medical doctor and all agree your best defense is a strong offense.
Take better care of yourself in case you come into contact with the virus you will be strong enough to fight it.
More sleep. A good multivitamin. Extra Vitamin D3 with K2. Get some fresh air, exercise and sweat. Lots of clean, filtered water.
This is a great website tracking stats on the virus: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
New to me: BERBERINE
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Have you heard of Berberine. It's an alkaloid supplement that has been around for eons. Very popular in Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda.
It is antibacterial, anti-tumor, can lower cholesterol, has anti-aging properties and can help with blood glucose issues.
500 mg 3x a day is recommended. I am shooting for 2 x a day with meals. I rarely eat breakfast so I will take with lunch and dinner. I am going to use an old plastic bottle and carry some with me in my bag so they are always on hand.
Check out these sources for more info:
Wellness Warrior Amazon List:http://bit.ly/WellnessWarriorChecklist
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Ways to Hydrate When You "HATE" Water
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Many of you have said you hate drinking water and hydrating properly is a challenge - listen in today for ways to hydrate if this is you!
Use an App like Waterlogged http://bit.ly/GuudWaterlogged
Add an Emergen-C packet to your water
Drink flavored sparkling water
Use a splash of fresh fruit/cucumbers to gently flavor water
Exercise more - water will taste amazing when you are hot and sweaty
Drink tea, which is basically infused water!
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Allegies are coming; be prepared now!
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Spring is around the corner though it will be 61 degrees here today in the North East of the USA. Kind of crazy for February.
Which is why Spring allergies might be rough this year so here are a few things to think about:
1. Talk to your doctor about when to start your daily medications/herbs for allergies. It's a good idea to start taking these before allergy season is in full bloom for the the best effects.
2. Time to order new air filters - for your home, your car, your portable Hepa units. After a closed up, dusty winter it's a good idea to head into Spring with clean filters working at 100%. You might want to change them again after Spring when they will be full of pollen.
3. Consider getting a neti pot. Easy to use, filled with warm water and sea salt, you use it to wash your nasal passages. Remember that your nasal passages look like little tunnels and caves with many crevices where bacteria and pollen can get trapped. Washing these with saline water flushes out the nasties. Easiest to use in the shower - it can get a little messy.
There will be more about Spring allegies in a few weeks!
Friday Feb 21, 2020
An article I read on Salmon....
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
I read this article on contaminated Salmon and was shocked it was from March 2016 and I hadn't come across it before.
Here is a link to the article: http://bit.ly/SeattleSalmon
I gives a spin to the whole "food is medicine" thing. :)
Some thoughts:
Less fish, more Omega-3 supplementation
Filter your water. Not tap, never bottled. I like the Big Berkey filter.
Don't flush your drugs. Extra meds can be taken back to the pharmacy or dropped at a police station.
We all need more/better detox.